Sunday, October 2, 2011

Do You Want Muscular Abs? 9 Steps To Get Your Own Six Pack Abs!

Every beginning bodybuilder is working on building muscular abs, getting their own six-pack abs. I think it’s important to dispel some of the myths involved in “getting ripped” abdominals. Forget what you see on TV, and learn the truth about how to get in shape.

  • Step 1: Get rid of the flab first! You may strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles with exercises but the results won’t show unless you lose the fat on top. Gotta work on that diet!
  • Step 2: Crunches are as good or better than sit-ups. Your abdominals are only involved in the first part of a sit-up. Once your shoulders lift off the floor, lower back and hip muscles take over and it’s no longer important to your abs to continue to your knees.
  • Step 3: Take a day or two break on working your abdominal muscles. You don’t want to overwork your neck and lower back, so take a break.
  • Step 4: Do only 10 – 15 reps a set. Treat ab muscles like other muscle groups. If you can do more reps it’s probably too easy and exercise or you’re not doing it right.
  • Step 5: The floor works as well as a machine or gizmo. Machines work your back and hips possible more than your abdominals. Floor exercises can be more varied and challenging.
  • Step 6: Lift from your abs, don’t use your head and neck. You’ll avoid neck pain if you learn this technique.
  • Step 7: Don’t move your elbows during ab exercises. Leave them out and rounded inward slightly to avoid pulling on your neck.
  • Step 8: Along with keeping your abs pulled in, do not flatten or arch your back. Keep about an inch between the floor and the small of your back.
  • Step 9: When doing a crunch, don’t neglect to curl forward like you are doubling over.
While exercise alone may not get you muscular abs, you will need it to build those six-pack abs.

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Mindi said...

This is great information! A lot of people neglect to change their diet, so they'll never see the abdominals they've been working so hard to define. :)

Zach said...

You are so right, Melinda! And what a shame that is. If you have the discipline to do the workout, you surely can find the discipline to do the diet.

Anonymous said...

Nice article and a great vid. I especially liked the variations to the jack-knifes. Nice blog by the way.

Zach said...

Mark I agree with you. And it's always good to have some variety in your workouts.