Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sean Nalewanyj's Success Story

Hi. My name is Sean Nalewanyj, and you know me. You do.

I'm that skinny, scrawny, little weak kid you went to school with.
You know the one... picked on... bullied... ridiculed... day after day.

I was so bullied as a kid I don't think I ever made it to school with my lunch money. If I had, maybe I wouldn't have been so skinny.

And being that scrawny kid meant I couldn't catch a football without getting the wind knocked out of me.

Couldn't make it up the rope in phys. ed., no matter how much that gym teacher called me a "little girl."

And always got picked last when choosing up sides.
Here's proof that I tried, however. It's my ninth grade basketball team photo.

I wasn't any good at basketball. Didn't even like the game much. It was just the only sport the coaches thought I wouldn't literally be killed playing. So they decided to put me on the team.

14 years old. Voice changing... hormones raging... and me, the tiny 125 pound kid with the skinny neck, noodle arms, ribcage poking through my skin... and the big ears. Let me tell you, it wasn't pretty.

This picture also serves as my "before" picture.

Yeah, I didn't start building my body for 3 more years, but it's the LAST picture of me looking scrawny that I ever allowed them to take.

Read the rest of his story and find out how he
became a championship bodybuilder and fitness
expert with a body men envy and women pant
CLICK HERE........

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