Saturday, October 1, 2011

7 Exercises That Give Women Sleek, Sexy Buns and Legs

Most women would love to have the sleek and sexy look of sculpted and toned legs and buns. It starts by watching your diet and losing excess weight. Then you actually need to burn the fat off by doing cardiovascular exercises. Weight training and resistance exercises will tone and define your body as well as increase the rate of your metabolism.

I want to focus on some of the lower body workouts you can do to gain the most benefit for your butt and legs. You butt muscles are the gluteus muscles and the quadriceps are your thighs. The basic exercises that work both muscle groups are lunges, squats and the leg press.

- Lunges are a great workout for your thighs and butt and also increase your balance.

1. Ball lunges are done with a weight in each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Your right shin should go on the ball, then bend the left leg and roll the ball backwards with your right foot. You then slowly lower your body and your goal is that your thigh comes as close as you can get to a 90% angle to the floor. Straighten up, rolling the ball back to the starting position. Complete the reps and switch sides. Use your hand on the wall if you need help balancing.

2.Varied-direction lunges are done with your legs shoulder width apart. Keep your head, shoulders and hips in alignment as you step forward with your right leg. Then bend both legs and make a 90% angle to the floor with your right knee, with your left knee coming close to the floor. Pushing up with the right foot, lift up and return to starting position. Turn 45% to the right and repeat the lunge. For the last lunge face foward but lunge back with your right leg. Repeat each lunge with your left leg. Remember to keep your back straight and keep your knees in line with your toes when you turn and lunge. Also, the maximum benefit is obtained when you go down slowly and get your knee close to the floor.

- Squats are great for your quads, glutes and hamstrings. They have the added benefit of utilizing and strengthening your core muscles.

3. Dumbbell squats are regular squats done with a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your feet hip width apart, bending your knees, lower into a squat position with your hips out behind you. Do not go any lower than the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor to protect your knees. Pull in your abs, exhale and slowly stand back up. Inhale and lower back to squat position. Repeat this till you are done with your set. Usually 2 sets of 12-15 reps is a good beginning routine.

4. One-legged squats are done in the same position as dumbbell squats and you also have a dumbbell in each hand. Raise your right leg and bend at the knee so you are balanced on your left leg and follow the above routine. Do your sets and then repeat with other leg. In order to maintain the correct position balance yourself over your heel touching the floor, not the toes.

5. One-legged squats with a ball also involve a dumbbell in each hand. Face the wall with your feet shoulder width apart. Place fitness ball between the wall and your lower back. Bend your right leg at the knee and lift it up to hold in front of you. Lower until your left thigh is nearly parallel to the floor. Slowly rise and repeat until your set is complete. Repeat with other leg. To keep your balance pull your navel in toward your spine.

- Your leg presses are another way to sculpt and tone your thighs and butt.

6. One-legged butt press using fitness ball not only tones your butt but strengthens your core and back muscles. Sit on the ball and place your feet shoulder width apart. Walk slowly forward and the ball will roll down your back to your shoulders. Keep your butt down and align your head with your spine. If you want more support then rest your head and neck on the ball. While balancing with your left foot, extend your right leg until it parallels the floor. Press your hips up in line with your knees and squeeze your glutes. Then lower your hips. Repeat till done then switch sides.

7. Leg machines give you some good, basic leg exercises. The leg press machine provides an alternative to the dumbbell squat and gives you a little variety, although the dumbbell squat is a bit more effective. Use a leg extension machine to target your quadriceps and tone the front of your thighs.

Doing a regular workout that includes lunges, presses and squats will get you started on getting those sexy buns and legs and into those little shorts.

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