Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Is Mike Tyson's Training Program For You?

Mike Tyson is a legend to a lot of bodybuilders. I've been looking around to see what I could find out about what his daily routine was. I hope you're an early riser if you want to be like Mike!

This routine was listed on several websites and appears to be was accepted as his daily routine:
  • · 5am: Wake up and go for a 3 mile jog
  • · 6am: Back home for a shower and then back to bed (great workout for those huge legs of his)
  • · 10am: Wake up and eat oatmeal
  • · 12pm: Do ring work (10 rounds of sparring)
  • · 2pm: Eat another meal (steak and pasta with fruit juice drink)
  • · 4pm: More ring work and 60 mins on the exercise bike (again working those legs for endurance and power)
  • · 5pm: Floor exercises: 2000 sit ups; 500-800 'dips'; 500 press ups and 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell and 10 mins of neck exercises (working the biceps, triceps, chest, abs and shoulders)
  • · 7pm: Eat steak and pasta meal again with fruit juice (probably orange juice)
  • · 8pm: Another 30 minutes on the exercise bike
  • · 9:30 Watch TV and then go to bed
That's what his training routines looked like. You'll have to decide it it's for you or not. A lot of bodybuilders don't run because they want to save their energy and nutrients for their weight lifting. Not getting enough rest after weight lifting and before running could result in muscle loss when you burn through the nutrients too fast. On the other hand, running builds the muscle fiber in the legs. Those who do like to run would be smart to rest after weight lifting and build back up their nutrient level.

As far as Mike’s diet goes, the oatmeal is a good choice. The steak, if it is lean, is also good. The pasta? Well, there’s mixed opinions about eating pasta, but you should definitely avoid pasta made from white flour. Whole wheat is a good carb for a body builder. Going by the list above, Mike's diet doesn't have any essential fats. Fats are important too, and should be the healthy, unsaturated variety.These include seeds, nuts, fatty fish, olive oil and flax seed oils. He only appears to have three meals during the day. It's easier to get the nutrients you need if you spread out your meals into 5 – 7 small meals throughout the day.
While his routing may have worked for “Iron Mike”, you should make sure you are aware of the strengths and weaknesses in it. Even Mike Tyson's training program could use a few improvements.

Want to gain muscle and burn fat just like Mike? Find out how to get the results you want and turbo-charge your metabolism to get the boost you need at Burn the Fat!

Check out this Mike Tyson training video!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Do You Want Muscular Abs? 9 Steps To Get Your Own Six Pack Abs!

Every beginning bodybuilder is working on building muscular abs, getting their own six-pack abs. I think it’s important to dispel some of the myths involved in “getting ripped” abdominals. Forget what you see on TV, and learn the truth about how to get in shape.

  • Step 1: Get rid of the flab first! You may strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles with exercises but the results won’t show unless you lose the fat on top. Gotta work on that diet!
  • Step 2: Crunches are as good or better than sit-ups. Your abdominals are only involved in the first part of a sit-up. Once your shoulders lift off the floor, lower back and hip muscles take over and it’s no longer important to your abs to continue to your knees.
  • Step 3: Take a day or two break on working your abdominal muscles. You don’t want to overwork your neck and lower back, so take a break.
  • Step 4: Do only 10 – 15 reps a set. Treat ab muscles like other muscle groups. If you can do more reps it’s probably too easy and exercise or you’re not doing it right.
  • Step 5: The floor works as well as a machine or gizmo. Machines work your back and hips possible more than your abdominals. Floor exercises can be more varied and challenging.
  • Step 6: Lift from your abs, don’t use your head and neck. You’ll avoid neck pain if you learn this technique.
  • Step 7: Don’t move your elbows during ab exercises. Leave them out and rounded inward slightly to avoid pulling on your neck.
  • Step 8: Along with keeping your abs pulled in, do not flatten or arch your back. Keep about an inch between the floor and the small of your back.
  • Step 9: When doing a crunch, don’t neglect to curl forward like you are doubling over.
While exercise alone may not get you muscular abs, you will need it to build those six-pack abs.

Revealed: 95% of people who start a muscle-building program will NEVER see any significant results! Learn how to avoid these fatal muscle-building pitfalls and finally achieve the ripped, rock-solid physique you deserve by checking out Muscle Gain Truth here...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

7 Exercises That Give Women Sleek, Sexy Buns and Legs

Most women would love to have the sleek and sexy look of sculpted and toned legs and buns. It starts by watching your diet and losing excess weight. Then you actually need to burn the fat off by doing cardiovascular exercises. Weight training and resistance exercises will tone and define your body as well as increase the rate of your metabolism.

I want to focus on some of the lower body workouts you can do to gain the most benefit for your butt and legs. You butt muscles are the gluteus muscles and the quadriceps are your thighs. The basic exercises that work both muscle groups are lunges, squats and the leg press.

- Lunges are a great workout for your thighs and butt and also increase your balance.

1. Ball lunges are done with a weight in each hand. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Your right shin should go on the ball, then bend the left leg and roll the ball backwards with your right foot. You then slowly lower your body and your goal is that your thigh comes as close as you can get to a 90% angle to the floor. Straighten up, rolling the ball back to the starting position. Complete the reps and switch sides. Use your hand on the wall if you need help balancing.

2.Varied-direction lunges are done with your legs shoulder width apart. Keep your head, shoulders and hips in alignment as you step forward with your right leg. Then bend both legs and make a 90% angle to the floor with your right knee, with your left knee coming close to the floor. Pushing up with the right foot, lift up and return to starting position. Turn 45% to the right and repeat the lunge. For the last lunge face foward but lunge back with your right leg. Repeat each lunge with your left leg. Remember to keep your back straight and keep your knees in line with your toes when you turn and lunge. Also, the maximum benefit is obtained when you go down slowly and get your knee close to the floor.

- Squats are great for your quads, glutes and hamstrings. They have the added benefit of utilizing and strengthening your core muscles.

3. Dumbbell squats are regular squats done with a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your feet hip width apart, bending your knees, lower into a squat position with your hips out behind you. Do not go any lower than the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor to protect your knees. Pull in your abs, exhale and slowly stand back up. Inhale and lower back to squat position. Repeat this till you are done with your set. Usually 2 sets of 12-15 reps is a good beginning routine.

4. One-legged squats are done in the same position as dumbbell squats and you also have a dumbbell in each hand. Raise your right leg and bend at the knee so you are balanced on your left leg and follow the above routine. Do your sets and then repeat with other leg. In order to maintain the correct position balance yourself over your heel touching the floor, not the toes.

5. One-legged squats with a ball also involve a dumbbell in each hand. Face the wall with your feet shoulder width apart. Place fitness ball between the wall and your lower back. Bend your right leg at the knee and lift it up to hold in front of you. Lower until your left thigh is nearly parallel to the floor. Slowly rise and repeat until your set is complete. Repeat with other leg. To keep your balance pull your navel in toward your spine.

- Your leg presses are another way to sculpt and tone your thighs and butt.

6. One-legged butt press using fitness ball not only tones your butt but strengthens your core and back muscles. Sit on the ball and place your feet shoulder width apart. Walk slowly forward and the ball will roll down your back to your shoulders. Keep your butt down and align your head with your spine. If you want more support then rest your head and neck on the ball. While balancing with your left foot, extend your right leg until it parallels the floor. Press your hips up in line with your knees and squeeze your glutes. Then lower your hips. Repeat till done then switch sides.

7. Leg machines give you some good, basic leg exercises. The leg press machine provides an alternative to the dumbbell squat and gives you a little variety, although the dumbbell squat is a bit more effective. Use a leg extension machine to target your quadriceps and tone the front of your thighs.

Doing a regular workout that includes lunges, presses and squats will get you started on getting those sexy buns and legs and into those little shorts.

Friday, September 16, 2011

How a 125 lb Loser Became a WellKnown 195 lb Bodybuilding Expert

Are you completely and totally satisfied with the body you see when you look in the mirror? Are you the guy with all the confidence in the world, that women want, and men want to be?
If not... why are you holding back?
Sean Nalewanyj was once an awkward, underweight, 125-pound "loser" who couldn't talk to a woman if his life depended on it. He was bullied endlessly as a kid, and was on the verge of being diagnosed as clinically depressed.
Now, he's a rock-solid, 195-pound renowned natural bodybuilding expert and fitness author... and is the creator of the online best-selling muscle-building program, "The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System".
He did it without drugs or steroids, without endless hours in the gym, and months... And wants to teach YOU how to do the same...The Truth About Building Muscle - Click For Info.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Want a Body Like Schwarzenegger? FollowThis Weight Gaining Diet!

What is a good weight gaining diet for bodybuilding? You don't want to be second guessing what's the best diet for you if you can get the answers you need. You need to make your choices based on good, solid nutrition and a proven successful plan. I don't think you want to just hit and miss at your food choices and then wonder why your diet doesn’t help build muscles, only fat!

You 'll want a balance of the three main nutrients in your daily diet. Protein first, then carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. Making the right choices in these groups is key, and it's also best to eat several small meals each day. Five to seven times a day is recommended.

We're going to consider what's probably the most important nutrient you need to build your ideal weight gaining diet - protein. Protein builds and repairs muscle tissue and happens to be single most important nutrient you can eat to increase lean muscle mass.

Protein choices:

Fish and shellfish


Lean red meat (lean sirloin, top round and flank)



Skim milk

Cottage Cheese

Whey Powder

In order to gain 1 lb of muscle in a day, you need to consume 500 extra calories. There are other sources of protein, in vegetables, beans and grains and others. However since these are missing one or more of the essential amino acids they are considered a lesser quality of protein. Bodybuilders definitely need to concentrate on high quality protein choices.

  • In order to build the lean muscle mass you want quickly you will need to get the right protein sources. It is also important to balance the proteins with other nutrients like carbohydrates and healthy unsaturated fats. You need to pick the right kind of carbohydrates that provide a steady stream of energy throughout the day as well as the type of unsaturated fats that will volumize muscle cells for bigger muscles. You need to stay on this weight gaining diet and not neglect any of the key ingredients in order to get the results that you want.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reasons Why To Use The Six Pack Strap to Get Your Six Pack Ab

Every bodybuilder wants six pack abs, and now the best way to get them is by using a six pack strap! You not only can achieve the “ultimate” six pack abs, but get the strong back to go with them.
Regular ab straps hook up to the chin-up bar and hang down and then you hook your arms into them. You life your knees to your chest, which may be difficult, especially for the inexperienced bodybuilder. The other problem is not being able to add any additional weight so there’s no progressive overload.
In order to get your six pack abs you need a high intensive output and progressive overload. You can’t achieve this the way you want to with a regular ab strap. The six pack strap has what’s called a “paratrooper handle” which makes the difference in your workout. Using it, you will also be exercising you abdominal oblique muscles along with the others.
The six pack strap works out your back muscles in concert with your abdominal muscles. The regular ab straps and crunch machines won’t work your back muscles that are the antagonistic muscles to your abdominals. This allows for an imbalance of strengths and opens you up to back aches and injuries. It’s much better to work out in a way that works the two together.
There are several other unique exercise that you can do with it. There is a weighted low pulley and high pulley crunch. In the high pulley crunch you work only the abs without any involvement of the chest muscles, biceps or triceps. This is what you want from an ab workout! One of the other exercises is a low pulley row for the lower back. Again, this works those critical lower back muscles to keep them in balance with your abdominal muscles and allows you you have a nice, strong back.
The original ab straps were a good idea to start with, but the six pack strap provides a workout that develops equally your abs, obliques and lower back muscles for maximum results.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sean Nalewanyj's Success Story

Hi. My name is Sean Nalewanyj, and you know me. You do.

I'm that skinny, scrawny, little weak kid you went to school with.
You know the one... picked on... bullied... ridiculed... day after day.

I was so bullied as a kid I don't think I ever made it to school with my lunch money. If I had, maybe I wouldn't have been so skinny.

And being that scrawny kid meant I couldn't catch a football without getting the wind knocked out of me.

Couldn't make it up the rope in phys. ed., no matter how much that gym teacher called me a "little girl."

And always got picked last when choosing up sides.
Here's proof that I tried, however. It's my ninth grade basketball team photo.

I wasn't any good at basketball. Didn't even like the game much. It was just the only sport the coaches thought I wouldn't literally be killed playing. So they decided to put me on the team.

14 years old. Voice changing... hormones raging... and me, the tiny 125 pound kid with the skinny neck, noodle arms, ribcage poking through my skin... and the big ears. Let me tell you, it wasn't pretty.

This picture also serves as my "before" picture.

Yeah, I didn't start building my body for 3 more years, but it's the LAST picture of me looking scrawny that I ever allowed them to take.

Read the rest of his story and find out how he
became a championship bodybuilder and fitness
expert with a body men envy and women pant
CLICK HERE........

Friday, July 1, 2011

Want to Build Bigger Muscles? Do Negatives!

Why You Should Care About the Negatives In Body Building

You may already know about the benefits of negatives in bodybuilding and weight training. Or you may asking, “What in the heck is a negative?” A negative part of an exercise is the lowering phase. Your body can handle lowering 40% more weight that it can lift. The suggestion is to add extra stress to the negative part of the exercise. It’s a good way to build up your strength and work up to lifting more weight when you’ve come to a strength plateau.

You will need to be careful and controlled because stressing the negative phase causes more delayed muscle soreness. There are two kinds of negatives you can do.

You use a spotter for the first type. The spotter lifts the weight, then spots you as you slowly lower the weight (counting at least 3 seconds on the way down). You continue this for your whole set. Start with about 15 – 20% more than your regular training weight. It’s better not to overdue it, work up to th3 40% increase you should be able to handle. A spotter is very important since you are using more weight than you can lift by yourself, especially when doing a freeweight exercise.

The second type of negative you can do are with pull-ups and dips. Negatives can help you work up to full-body weight chins and dips. Step up on a platform and bring yourself to the top position for either exercise. Step off and lower yourself slowly. You should do this as long as you control the speed of the movement, or until you’ve done a set of 10 or 12, whichever comes first.

You should consider using negatives in body building if you want to break through the plateau and move up in weight.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Do You Know the Name of Your Different Muscles?

It may seem to experienced bodybuilders and fitness nuts that everyone knows what the names of their muscles are and where they are located. It may not be as obvious to the beginning weight lifter.

Hopefully these charts will be of some help. Something to keep in mind is that most of the names are often used in a shortened version. For example "Pectoralis Major" are called the "Pecs", and "Quadriceps" are called "Quads".

Even some of you more experienced weight lifters may find one or two muscles that they couldn't name!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weight Gaining Diet for Bodybuilding, Part 2

Let’s look at the other two nutrients you need in your weight gaining diet besides protein.

You need to include low glycemic, hi-fiber carbohydrates. What is so important about carbohydrates? They provide your muscles and your brains with energy. Carbs also help maintain the optimum hormone balance throughout the body. You need the slow release of low glycemic carbohydrates to provide a steady stream of sugars throughout the day.

Good carbohydrates:

Brown rice
Whole wheat products
Certain fruits

Fats are also important to the bodybuilder. You can increase your testosterone levels and improve your metabolism by eating them. They also work to volumize muscle cells – so you get bigger muscles. Unsaturated fats give you all these benefits and help you gain muscle (not fat) and should come from EPA(essential fatty acids).

Unsaturated fats:

Fatty fish
Olive oil
Flax seed oil

You should plan to have 5 – 7 small meals every day and make them a balance of the three important nutrients, protein, good carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. If you can make that a habit you will have a balanced weight gaining diet that will work for the long haul.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How Liquid Calories May Be Making You Fat... Even Your Favorite Protein Drinks!

By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

At least 7 scientific studies have provided strong evidence that energy containing beverages (i.e., “liquid calories”) do not properly activate the satiety mechanisms in the body and brain and do not satisfy the appetite as well as food in solid form.

Epidemiological research also supports a positive association between calorie-containing beverage consumption and increased body weight or body mass index. New research now suggests that soda may not be the only culprit…

The primary source of liquid calories in the United States Diet is carbohydrate, namely soda. Now running a close second are specialty and dessert coffees. Did you know that a 16 ounce Frappucino can contain 500 calories or even more! That’s one-third of a typical female’s daily calorie intake while on a fat loss program.

A recent study at Purdue University published in the International Journal of Obesity set out to learn even more about this bodyfat - liquid calories relationship.

Researchers compared solid and beverage forms of foods composed primarily of carbohydrate, fat or protein in order to document the independent effect of food form in foods with different dominant macronutrient sources.

Based on previous research, some experts have recommended targeting specific beverages as being “worse” than others. High fructose corn syrup and soda has been singled out the most and you’ve probably seen that yourself in the news.

There’s no question that soda has been on top of the “hit list” for some time now, by virtue of the amounts and frequency of consumption alone.

However, this recent study says that from a pure energy balance perspective, we should be cautious about ALL liquid calories, not just soda and not just carbohydrates!

Fruit juice for example, appears to be an obvious improvement over soda, so many people have swapped out their soda for fruit juice. However, when fruit juice is compared to an equal amount of calories from whole fruit, the whole fruit satisfies appetite better (largely due to the bulk and fiber content), and so you tend to eat fewer calories for the day.
[On an interesting side note, soup does not seem to apply; soup has higher satiety value than calorie containing beverages, possibly for mere cognitive reasons.]

If you were to meticulously track your calories from beverages and you made sure that your calories remained the same for the day, whether liquid or solid, there would probably be little or no difference in your body composition.

But that’s not what usually happens in free-living humans. Most people do not accurately track or report their caloric intake. Our mistake is that we tend to drink calories IN ADDITION TO our usual food intake, not instead of it.

Men are especially guilty of this when they drink alcohol - Men tend to drink AND eat, while women tend to drink INSTEAD OF eating.

This new research found that with all three macronutrients - protein, carbs or fat - daily calorie intake was significantly greater when the beverage form was consumed as compared to the solid.

Yes, it’s true! Even protein drinks did not satisfy the appetite the way that protein foods did!

While you would think that protein drinks are purely a good thing, because protein foods have been proven to reduce appetite and increase satiety, if you turn a solid protein food into a protein drink, it loses it’s appetite suppressive properties in the same way that happens when you turn fruit into fruit juice.
[NOTE: After weight training workouts, liquid nutrition may have benefits that outweigh any downside, especially on muscle-gaining programs]

Why do liquid calories fail to elicit the same response as whole foods? reasons include:

* high calorie density
* lower satiety value
* more calories ingested in short period of time
* lower demand for oral processing
* shorter gastrointestinal transit times
* energy in beverages has greater bioaccessibility and bioavailability
* mechanisms may include cognitive, orosensory, digestive, metabolic, endocrine and neural influences (human appetite is a complex thing!!!)
* last but not least, nowhere in our history have our ancestors had access to large amounts of liquid calories. Alcohol may have been around as far back as several thousand years BC, but even that is a blip on the evolutionary calendar of humanity.

As a result, our genetic code has never developed the physiological mechanisms to properly register the caloric content in liquids the way it does when you eat, chew and swallow whole foods.

Bottom line: This study suggests that we shouldn’t just target one type of liquid calories such as soda. If you’re trying to beat body fat, it’s wise to limit all types of liquid calories and eat whole foods as much as possible.

Start by ditching the soda. Then ditch the high calorie dessert coffees. Then cut back on the alcohol. From there, be cautious even about milk, juice and protein drinks.

Drink water or tea instead, or limited amounts of black coffee - without all the high calorie extras.

If you do consume any beverages that contain calories, such as protein shakes, be sure to account for those calories meticulously and be sure you don’t drink them in addition to your usual food intake, but in place of an equal amount of food calories.

Remember, those protein shakes you might be drinking are called “meal replacements” not “free calories!”

For many years I have suggested focusing primarily on whole foods rather than liquids, even protein shakes. Unlike so many other fat reduction programs, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle does not require any kind of liquid meal replacement or protein drinks and our company does not exist to sell supplements; we are here to educate you and millions of others about the realities of body fat loss.

We now have even more scientific data that confirms what Burn The Fat has been teaching all along.

I hope you found this helpful. You can learn more about “Burn The Fat” at www.BurnTheFat.com

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Fat Loss Coach

Reference: Effects of food form on appetite and energy intake in lean and obese young adults. International Journal of Obesity. 2007 Nov (11):1688-95. Mourao DM, Bressan J, Campbell WW, Mattes RD. Department of Foods and Nutrition, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2059, USA.

About the Author:

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified personal trainer and freelance fitness writer. Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting: www.burnthefat.com

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lift Weights and Lose Weight? Yes or No?

One of the myths of fitness training is that lifting weight won’t help you lose weight. Everyone agrees that increasing your metabolism will have you burn fat and lose weight. Well, building more muscle is what will boost that metabolism and help you keep the fat off.

While you can definitely lose weight by diet and doing cardio, you may be losing muscle also. As you lose muscle, your metabolism will slow down – and the weight will creep back on! Add weight training to your routines to keep your muscle mass and shed that fat permanently.

If you lift weights two to three times each week, you will gain an average of one pound of muscle each month. After six months of that routine the rate of increase will slow down. You can actually increase your resting metabolic rate 7% for every 3 lbs of muscle that you build. Converting that to calories, if your body burns 1,200 calories without exercising, you could burn another 80 or so calories a day by increasing your resting metabolism.
What a great incentive to add weight lifting to your exercise and diet routine and watch that weight come off and stay off!

How the heck does this guy drop below 4% bodyfat without drugs or supplements?

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder who regularly competes at 4% bodyfat and below. The fact is, there are probably very few people who truly understand fat loss better than Tom does, simply because he doesn't just research it or write about it - he lives it! (and has the ripped abs to prove it!)

What Tom reveals in his best-seller e-book, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle, is essential knowledge if you want to get really, really lean, and until you understand these principles, you can't even hope to get lean enough to see your abs - which is what we all want right? Find out how it's done by visiting Tom's website at:



Get Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle, the #1 best selling diet ebook, which teaches you how to burn fat naturally, without supplements or drugs. Learn from a natural bodybuilding champion how to lose stubborn fat and turbo-charge your metabolism by visiting: http://www.burnthefat.com